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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why Climate Control?
A. Climate control keeps your belongings at a constant temperature; it's better for electronic and antique items.
Q. Why do people store their things?
A. People store their things to unclutter rooms, if their home is not finished yet, if they're moving into a smaller house, if they're a college student, and if some of their items are seasonal.
Q. Why would a business need storage?
A. To store records, office supplies, and equipment.
Q. Can a vehicle fit in a storage unit?
A. Yes, depending on how big the vehicle is, it will go in a 10X15 or 10X20.
Q. Do you have auctions at your facility?
A. Yes, usually every month.
Q. Do you cover items that are stored?
A. NO, you have to have your OWN insurance. Most homeowners insurance will cover off site storage. We do have Insurance forms from a company in our office that offers OFF site storing.
Q. Do you have Boat or Rv storage?
A. Yes, call to see if available.
Q. Is there somewhere on site to dump trash?
A. Yes, if it is a bag or so. Anything large, NO.